Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award

Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award

Call for Nomination

The Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award was established by the Asian Aerosol Research Assembly and TSI Incorporated to recognize a young scientist in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of Aerosol Science and Technology. The award aims to promote research and development in Aerosol Science and Technology contributed by Asian young scientists and researchers.

Award Rules
Selection Process
The Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award committee recommends a candidate for this award to the Board of Directors of the Asian Aerosol Research Assembly to grant the award in the year the AAC is held.

The nominee must be a person under 41 years of age by the date of the Asian Aerosol Conference of that year (3rd November 2024) and has conducted his or her scientific work in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand for 3 years or longer and who has not already received this award. The Asian Young Aerosol Award committee recommends a candidate for this award to the Board of Directors of the Asian Aerosol
Research Assembly to grant the award.

A person familiar with the nominee's scientific /technical contributions can nominate.

Nomination Dossier
The four documents described below should be submitted as a single PDF in the following order:

1. Cover Page
2. Letter from Nominator
3. Supporting Letters
4. Vitae and or Job Description and Publications

Cover Page: Complete the cover page of the nomination and submit it with the complete nomination packet.

Letter from Nominator: Should focus on personal knowledge and provide evidence of the nominee's outstanding scientific and/or engineering contribution to aerosol science.

Supporting Letters: Three supporting letters from persons (the nominee’s supervisor and peers are acceptable) who have personal knowledge of the nominee's work and provide evidence of the nominee's outstanding scientific and/or engineering contribution to aerosol science.

Vitae and/or Job Description and publications: Appropriate for the position, and a list of the nominee’s significant publications.

Nomination Submission and Date
Submit nominations to the Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award Committee at by 15th September 2024.

Please contact for further questions.